Ten top reasons to vote for Ralph Nader in 2004:

1.Nader hasn't started a war to impress his Daddy.
2.Michael Moore doesn't want you to.
3.Ralph's rogueish misunderstood-anti-hero charm.
4.Those other candidates are phoneys and also lie too much too.
5.Because you hate liberals and conservatives equally.
6.You're stubborn and ornary and so is Nader.
7.Confuse the terrorists.
8.Nerds should only vote for fellow Nerds.
9.Freak out the pollsters.
10.Nader doesn't run stupid and annoying political campaign tv ads.

From ww.votenader.org

Have you lost your voter virginity, yet?

Apparently this is a real slogan an independent group is using to encourage Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 to vote.

Only five more weeks to go and then another few months to figure out the correct vote count! Will this election ever end????

To Be or Not To Be...

Exciting news for Shakespeare aficionados. The British Library has digitized 93 copies of 21 plays written by the most genius writer of all time. The quartos can be viewed online at The British Library web site.

Here is some background information on the quartos from the web site:

"Why are the quartos important?

None of Shakespeare’s manuscripts survive, so the printed texts of his plays are our only source for what he originally wrote. The quarto editions are the texts closest to Shakespeare’s time. Some are thought to preserve either his working drafts (his foul papers) or his fair copies. Others are thought to record versions remembered by actors who performed the plays, providing information about staging practices in Shakespeare’s day."

Who can't respect President George W. Bush for taking the time to visit Russia in order to pay tribute to the victims of the Beslan school siege?


Grunts. Bellowing. Football. Lots of male testosterone--something I will never understand. I think of my brothers playing Madden Football, or any of the guys I know, and chuckle. I guess its almost like Kizze and Foggity Bloggity and Dirty Dancing.

To live some of the experience of Madden Football listen to none other but NPRs very own Morning Edition.

Sounds like something from a movie this "Black Triangle" sighting phenomenon. The Black Triangle seems to appear out of nowhere and isn't very shy when it does. Read the story on space.com.

"Luke, I am Your Father...."

The Star Wars Kid made one mistake. But one mistake is all you need to become ridiculously famous.

The Star Wars Kid was a 15 year old high school student in Quebec who dreamed of being like Darth Maul. He makes a personal video tape of him reenacting Darth Maul's fight scenes. Little does he know that his so-called friends find the video and post it on the Internet for all the world to see. The Star Wars Kid has become an international sensation as varieties of his original film have been created and posted online.

To experience the Star Wars Kid et al go to Screaming Pickle.com and download video clips featuring the Stars Wars Kid himself.

[To view, right click on the hyperlink and go to "Save Target As." Save the file to your hard drive. To view, open the file and it will be viewed in Windows Media Player. Watch the original Star Wars Kid first.]

A Must See

Watch out for Control Room, coming soon (hopefully!) to a theater near you! It only played for a few days here in Austin and that was because an activist group here sponsored the showings.

Control Room is quite thought provoking and I feel pretty disheartened about the information we receive, both from the media and from our nation's leaders.

Warning: While the movie is not rated, it does have some graphic scenes and intense moments.

Listen to a dialogue about political commentaries, including The Fog of War, Fahrenheit 9/11, and Control Room, on Talk of the Nation on NPR.

Goes to show that a high falootin' education doesn't mean a thing....

Is he speaking at grade level?

"First of all, we're in the country now, so no more black."
"No more black, are you insane?"
"You heard me. Only high-powered and neurotic, castrating Manhattan career b$%*!es wear black. Is that what you wanna be?"
"Ever since I was a little girl."

Here's a fun movie: The Stepford Wives

Men can learn a lot from it!

In cases of doubtful morality, it is usual to say, Is there any harm in doing this? This question may sometimes be best answered by asking ourselves another: Is there any harm in letting it alone? -- Colton.

So here is a web site that lists more recent movies and their offensive content.

To be taken with a grain of salt.

Goes to show that everyone can be called to jury duty.

For those of you suffering from the horrible pangs of premenstrual syndrome check out this link to find out how to effectively deal with it. (Brought to you by MSN Health.)

And if that information doesn't help, check out this link for your last resort. (Brought to you by Women Thou Art God.)

Those silly Russians.... Maybe my family should plan a trip to Siberia.

Interested in more myths, hoaxes & mysteries in astronomy and space science?

Is this really me?

You're Vatican City!

You're pretty sure that you're infallible in all that you do or say, and
it's hard to say whether you're right.  You have a lot of followers, most of whom will
do whatever you say without question, or line up to see you ride around in your spiffy car.
 Religious and reserved, you have some wisdom, but also a bit much contempt for everyone
around you.  You're also fabulously wealthy, no matter what you say to the contrary.

the Country Quiz at the href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid

Now this really is me!!

You're Mrs. Dalloway!

by Virginia Woolf

Your life seems utterly bland and normal to the casual observer, but
inside you are churning with a million tensions and worries. The company you surround
yourself with may be shallow, but their effects upon your reality are tremendously deep.
To stay above water, you must try to act like nothing's wrong, but you know that the
truth is catching up with you. You're not crazy, you're just a little unwell. But no
doctor can help you now.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Now, I'm concerned that good ol' Kizze is going batty. She was bit on the neck by a large vampire bat at Congress Bridge last Friday night and has been kind of "off" ever since.

The Signs
1. She spent all weekend socializing. (A sign of a psychic vampire is they love to be around people.)
2. Last night she went for a walk and couldn't find her way home.
3. Kizze drank a smoothie today instead of eating lunch. (Vampires love to drink, especially red drinks.)
4. She took a nap today. (Kizze never naps!)
5. She went to work today without doing herself up.

Check out the bat that bit her!


Sarah thinks we should take the next family trip to Roswell, New Mexico. Not a popular idea. Everyone is now coming up with excuses why they can't make it, and a date hasn't even be set! We could hardly handle the 45 minute trip to Idaho City; who really wants to attempt a couple of days road trip to Roswell?!

Roswell has a special place in the hearts of my family members. Known primarily for its fascination with UFOs, it is no wonder it would catch our attention (our being avid fans of The X-Files, syndicated radio talk show host Art Bell, The Fortean Times, and anything science fiction/extraterrestrial).

Sometimes I wonder if I was actually abducted by aliens. I'm pretty scatter-brained and there is a huge chunk of my childhood I can't remember, mostly in relation to my sister (maybe she was the one abducted.) And then there's that crazy scar....

Video Game Obsession

Q: How do you know you have an unhealthy obsession with video games (as opposed to a healthy obsession with me)?

A: You act out your favorite video games in real life, like the guys from Mega64. [Hint: The Tetris video is the best.]

Why You Should Support Your Local Public Library
Reason #249

Not only do public libraries provide free access to information, but a library also serve as a refuge from the elements. Just ask any homeless person. Or go see The Day After Tomorrow. (And why is it that librarians are still portrayed as stuffy old maids? Am I a stuffy old maid?!!?;)

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900), "On Reading and Writing"

Surprisingly enough Hollywood hasn't used this idea for a love story (or has it?). Two people from different walks of life connect after their eyes meet at a hotel where they are attending different events. They talk, find out they are from the same area of town, and, strangely enough, they will be apartment complex neighbors within a week. As they get to know each other they decide they want to have children together, become engaged, and, then, before the wedding can take place, the bride-to-be dies from flu complications on a plane ride. Sadly, enough this is a true story, as told by John Perry Barlow (former lyricist for the Grateful Dead). [Go to this link and listen starting at about 38:00 to the end.]

What I find particularly intriguing is that the account of the couple's meeting sounds a lot like the account of an acquaintance, who, not necessarily a victim of love at first sight but close to it, spotted a guy from across the dance floor and felt that she needed to meet him. They met, and she says, a la John Perry Barlow mode, made a connection. The feeling was mutual and within a few weeks they were engaged. Luckily, this story does have a happy ending and the love larks are now married (two months after their intital meeting).

So what is the moral of these stories? Maybe those of us who spurn stories of love at first sight are just jealous that we haven't made that special connection. Could it be we're making things more difficult than it needs to be? I'd like to know if there's a common personality type that suffers from love at first sight more than others....

CORRECTION: This correction applies to the last post (about the World Naked Bike Ride). June 12 is actually a Saturday. So the bikers are being considerate and not picking a prime time to expose themselves.

Bicyclists! Get ready for the World Naked Bike Ride, taking place all over the world on June 12, 2004. The object is to ride your bike naked or semi-naked. The point? There isn't really one, other than that some people are just plain nasty and get a kick out of showing off their naked selves. I would put a link to the webpage for the ride, but it has pics of past races and this blog has been deemed suitable for people of all ages.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a route for the ride in Austin (it does start at the Wheatsville parking lot, 3101 Guadalupe) to know where not to drive that afternoon (strategically set for rush hour traffic at 5:00pm). So if you work in the Guadalupe area, watch out!

If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
Jewish Proverb

For starters, Michael Eric Dyson's commentary on the Tavis Smiley show June 3, 2004 is about the Roman Catholic church denying gay parishoners the sacrament. Dyson says that the morality of the church needs to be changed and the church is on the wrong side of a lot of issues morally (mind you he never states why). Vatican decrees state that secular laws that contradict fundamental religious laws of morality, including abortion and same sex unions, are immoral.

My questions are: What gives Dyson and others who hold similar beliefs on morality the permission to decide which moral laws are right or wrong? How can they be so sure that their personal moral beliefs are right and a church's are wrong, particularly those people who's own religion stems from the same history of beliefs (as recorded in the Bible)? Do fundamental morals change as time passes?

Then why believe in religion in the first place, if traditional morals are so unacceptable? Instead of bending an established religion to fit a portion of society's ever changing system of morality, why not just create individual, personalized religions, because aren't you placing yourself above God anyway when you change fundamental morals that He commanded in the first place? Do people believe that God tells them that the old system is wrong and the new is right?

My Mouth, My Choice

Next time you think the government is taking away the rights of the American people, remember the lowly Singaporean who for twelve years could not chew gum. All hail the new age of gum chewing in Singapore!

Listen to the story aired on Morning Edition: Morning Edition Returns: Easing Up on Chewing Gum and/or read the following article for background information from Globe and Mail, Canada: Free to Chew, But Not to Choose.

A special thanks to Melissa for the catchy title!

Aren't politics and the media interesting? I'm trying to find out what the media is saying about the status of Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader being added to the Texas ballot for this year's election. So far the most current information I can find is from the web site Nader for President 2004 (check out this article) and email updates from the local chapter of Nader's campaign.

For more information on where Ralph Nader stands on the issues, look at this link (and NO!, I do not agree with all his positions but at least he knows how to think for himself).

His other web site is The Nader Page.

This election, lets try to think outside of the box!

So today I was convinced that my daughters (and maybe sons but only if they want to) should learn ballet, at least as little girls. The Slavin Nadal School of Ballet had its Spring concert this afternoon. Kizze takes lessons and teaches ballet at the school. Of course her performances were great (and I, for one, think she should take some time off after graduating from college to dance because she is so good--I can hear her now: Amateur!). But the children's dances were just so cute, particularly the three to five year olds. No matter how unpolished or how easily distracted some of these young dancers were they seemed to know the steps and performed them with enthusiasm (except for maybe Aloe Vera but she is a red head and, thus, apt to do whatever she darn well pleases). It goes to show what young people are capable of and that we should encourage their learning all kinds of skills while their little brains are still developing.

The main concern I would have is allowing them the, perhaps, greater potential for acquiring an eating disorder as adolescents than if they were not dancers. Of course, it doesn't take much, in our society, to encourage unhealthy habits. After I started a subscription with a teeny beauty magazine in junior high I decided I was fat and needed to lose weight. Actually, I wanted to look like a model (and maybe even be one, which if you look at any picture of me you would see that was a longshot). I never really starved myself (although not eating was a punishment when I didn't like myself), but it goes to show how easy it is to succumb to the standards set by the media. I look at pictures of me at that time and I'm a knobby kneed, frizzy haired, orange-faced girl.

Why is beauty taken so seriously, really? How many women really like to get dressed up everyday? Or putting on makeup or doing their hair, trying to look pretty, everyday? Is it just for the male species (which, by the way, is a double standard)? Or to like ourselves better (afterall, isn't Extreme Makeover a hit?)?

I guess the moral of this story is dancing is an art and little girls and boys are so cute when they do it and we need to set more positive, substantive role models for future (and why not current?) generations.

Its a Gamble

Love is like the lottery: You only have to get lucky once and then its all worth it.

Of course the odds are 1:1295 that a person may be your soulmate (Bessell, H., & Hurlburt R. (2004) Love is not a game (But you should know the odds). Personhood Press.)

Or love is an art: You must learn how to manipulate the canvas to make it your own.

--Shannon (Data Entry Clerk-USDA)

This is one of my favorite songs right now. Its so happy and hopeful and paints a beautiful picture of life. Here's what we have to look forward to:

What a Wonderful World--Louie Armstrong

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Krazy Kizze and I are on an important mission. That mission is to seek out the best deal on Dance Dance Revolution (or DDR as the pros call it!). We've enlisted fellow DDR geek and music tech man Iron Roddy Rowdy Piper to make sure we get the best deal possible. So far our search has consisted of scouring eBay and making one bid, but luckily we were outbidded as Kizze noted in her blog, because we know we can do better. (We're amateurs with the whole eBay thing.)

Now I have admit that this seems like a pretty silly endeavor. And it truly is. However, when you're hanging out at our pad, dancing your heart out, upsetting the people living downstairs, remember that Dance Dance Revolution is here to stay!

(Okay is this cheesy or what?!;)

So its a beautiful day and I decide that rather than take the bus from work to campus, I'll walk. The most scenic route is cutting through the State Capitol building grounds: lots of shade, green grass, and funny people wandering around.

I'm plodding along when I suddenly realize there are several men in military uniform heading down the sidewalk in my direction. The only uniform I recognize is the United States Air Force. As I pass by the men, who flash their bright white teeth at me (it is a small world afterall and GIs the world over like any and every humanoid with boobs--I think they'll take what they can get), I realize that some have accents and an Airman is explaining some aspect of American culture to one. Hmmm, I wonder what they're doing.

As I continue on my way I come to the end of the line and upon some stragglers.
"Can I get a picture?" a man from Kazakhstan asks.

Because he has a thick accent and I have bad hearing (or something) I ask him to repeat himself. "You want me to take a picture of you?"

"No, "he answers. "I want a picture with you."

Now anyone who knows me much at all knows I hate to have my picture taken. But I'm in a generous mood, feeling adventurous, and having a good hair day (and not feeling particulary sensitive about my Adams apple--it only shows up in each and every picture I ever take!). I consent.

Next thing I know two more men run over wanting to be included in the picture. We pose, take the picture, and the photographer and one of the soldiers leave. I chat with the remaining two soldiers (one from Kazakhstan and Alegeria). I ask them what they're doing here.

Well you learn something new everyday. They are stationed at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. I didn't know we had foreign soldiers stationed in the U.S. but, hey, thats neat.

We chat a little. The Algerian man, who's a cutie but a bit short, tries to impress me by stating that he speaks French and has a French accent. Then he ask me if we can exchange email addresses. I tell him, "No, I'll never see you again."

We chat a bit more and then part ways, as I have to get to class.

The moral of this story is that aside from the positive impact on the environment and one's personal character, a way to add spice to one's life is to use an alternative form of transportation. I don't know where to begin relating all the bus stories I have (and I have lots of experience riding the bus--elementary school to the present). For example, the other day there was an old man telling this wild story about a fall he had the night before from a three story building. If it wasn't for the ring finger on his right hand he would not have lived to tell the story. That finger wasn't even scratched.


The word "blog" is such an unattractive word. Its onomatapoeia for someone puking--BLOOOOOG!.

Good times....

Today Shannon decided to do an oral blog. I hope this doesn't become a regular thing--its pretty boring:). Here was today's entry: "I had a sandwich today. It was good. Why is it called a sandwich? There's not sand in it. This life is crazy."

We need to spice up his life. Stay tuned....

For those of you who like old radio shows check out MediaBay.com Old-Time Radio.

Every day (sp?) two new radio programs are available to listen to. Usually one is a mystery (for example Dragnet) and the other a comedy (such as the Jack Benny Show or George and Gracie). The shows feature old celebrities, like James Stewart and Frank Sinatra. Have to admit that some of the mysteries aren't too compelling but the whole radio show experience is just plain fun.

After almost nine months of living in Austin, I have finally seen evidence that Austin could be weird.

Several pirates were spotted paddling away in canoes and shouting out expletives about how they wanted us fellow paddlers to shiver their timbers. I almost feared for my life but then realized we were going in opposite directions and I had a guy almost as big as the incredible hulk (sans the muscles) in my canoe. Later I saw them wreaking merriment on the side of Town Lake as my canoe quietly slipped past them.

So this "Keep Austin Weird" theme doesn't make much sense to me. I guess you really have to look for the weird (although I hear election candidates can be pretty flambouyant). I saw a guy over the weekend with a t-shirt that said "Keep Austin Normal."

You know what I do think is weird.... How about the Subservient Chicken web site sponsored by Burger King? A guy dressed in a chicken costume acting like a chicken. Just take a look at it. Now that is weird.


My apologies! I have been told that I do in fact know someone who is charming. It's Austin's very own KZ (codename Dorothy Gail). Sorry babe!

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

--Oscar Wilde

I think its a pretty funny quote and sometimes true--sometimes I meet charming people and sometimes I do meet tedious people but usually I just meet regular people. In fact, I can't think of anyone I'd say is charming but I think I know even fewer people who are tedious.... As for good and bad, I think most people I know are good and I can't think of anyone who is really bad; oh, except for that guy....