Hello, Ms. President

All this talk about Hilary running for president...
I certainly think she'd have a good chance--she's comparable to the other possible candidates for the Democratic ticket (except maybe Obama, but then that would bring up race--is American ready for a non-white President?).

But do we really need another Clinton in the Oval Office?

Are Americans ready for a female president? I don't see why not. How many people would not vote for a candidate solely because of his/her gender? So long as they compaign well and seem solid, I wonder if gender is an issue.

There are differences in the ways that men and women think in general. Are those differences significant enough to limit one sex's ability to be a good president? Probably not in and of themselves.

I'd like to see Hilary run, simply because she appears to be a women who has transcended the traditional gender divide in politics. But I'm not sure she could inspire me to respect the national party.

This entry was posted on 12/04/2006 04:36:00 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Vern Waters said...

    Did we really need another Bush in the oval office?

  1. ... on 1:48 PM